Veracode this week launched a version of its automated dynamic application security testing (DAST) testing tool, dubbed DAST Essentials, that is designed to be embedded within an integrated developmen ...
Microservices often communicate with each other to fulfill complex business operations, creating security and scaling challenges. Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) can help. Here's how to get sta ...
Anna? Oh, she was just a demo persona, says organizer
Key retail cloud market players include Oracle Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., Accenture, Cognizant, Google LLC, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Wipro Limited, Snow ...
Whether containers are new to your business or you're just getting to grips with the complexities of securing them, here are some tips for either starting or developing your container security journey ...
CIO Christine Serrette details the German federal center for information technology’s cloud migration process as part of a multi-step plan.
A new draft of the European Cloud Services scheme, seen by Euractiv, was circulated ahead of a meeting of the European Cybersecurity Certification Group on Monday (20 November), with some tweaks on th ...
The Federal Trade Commission sharpened its scrutiny of cloud providers Thursday. FTC Chair Lina Khan pointed to software licensing practices, egress fees and minimum-spend contracts as potential threa ...
Predictions are the ability to see the continuation of existing patterns. Yes, genAI is on the list, as well as the talent crunch and the partnership between business and IT.
Timothy Schorno, Show Lead at Big Data & AI World Frankfurt, shares insights about the Virtual Finance & Banking Summit.
Appearing at this year's Big Data & AI World Frankfurt show for the first time will be Thomas Blobel, Analyst Data & Analytics, BARC (Business Application Research Centre).
John Bensalhia interviews Isabell Welpe, who explains the concept of web3, its differences from the previous web2, and how organisations need to adapt in order to survive...
John Bensalhia talks to Staffan Reveman, Reveman Energy Academy, about the current and future energy challenges that data centres and other industries face in Germany...
Eric Menges, President & CEO of Frankfurt RheinMain, shares why Frankfurt is the centre of digital transformation
Mark T. Hofmann is a Business Psychologist and Crime Analyst. He will share his knowledge at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt 2022.
How analytics help you to pinpoint opportunities & capitalize on them.
In this era of data-driven companies, there is a lot of talk about data management, but it is my impression that we do not talk about it in a perfectly harmonious way, that we privilege some aspects o ...
Nach einer erfolgreichen Teilnahme an der Cloud Expo im letzten Jahr haben wir, die MT AG, uns dazu entschieden, unser Know-how in zwei Vorträgen aus dem Bereich Analytics zu teilen.
Bis der Mensch aus seinen Einsichten planvoll handelt, kann es erfahrungsgemäß eine Weile dauern: Etwas zu sehen heißt nicht immer, es auch zu erkennen. Etwas zu erkennen, heißt noch nicht, es tatsäch ...
The next wave of dominant companies in every segment will be data companies. This requires a data platform that drives the decisions of every employee and, just as important, powers data products. Wha ...
Net Zero Data Centers are the next generation of sustainable data centers. The approach requires a rethinking of a systems approach of how we design and build new data centers. The data center industr ...
Wie weiter nach dem Urteil des EuGH zum Privacy Shield Abkommen? Drei Fragen an Alexander Rabe, Geschäftsführer eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.
Was geschieht mit der Geschäftstechnologie eines Unternehmens, wenn es beginnt, neue Unternehmen zu erwerben und zu expandieren? Normalerweise versuchen wachsende Unternehmen, alle ihre neuen Tochterg ...
Wie gross sind die Datensilos in deutschen Unternehmen wirklich? Wie geht Customer Centricity? Und: Was hat es mit der Sweet Area auf sich? Ein Gespräch mit KI-Psychologe Marcel Isbert.
We can no longer measure the total cost of ownership for a Data Center solely in terms of economic costs for the traditional design, construction, and operation expense of a data center single site pe ...
From Antarctica to Artificial Intelligence, a human-made journey between madness and brilliance. By reflecting carefully human mankind’s past, we discover a quite schizophrenic story of partial madnes ...
Wohl spätestens seit der Corona-Krise ist es wirklich jedem klar geworden: Das Internet ist 2020 für viele Bereiche des Lebens und Arbeitens unverzichtbar. In Zeiten des Lockdowns haben digitale Lös ...
75% aller Deutschen Unternehmen waren 2019 Ziel eines Cyberangriffs. Nur etwa die Hälfte rechnete damit. Dies zeigt, dass dringend Handlungsbedarf besteht. Besonders Angriffe auf die KMUs könnten ganz ...
The Secure Edge Data Center (SEDC) is an all-in-one plug and play industrial data center solution that is specifically designed to run in industrial environments, bringing enterprise-grade IT capacity ...
If we want to keep society running, we must deliberately depart from linear practices and embrace end to end sustainability throughout the lifecycle of data centres.
Energieeffizienz ist ein wichtiges Argument in der Standortwahl der Rechenzentren. Doch für den Ausbau digitaler Infrastrukturen braucht es einen Blick auf das Gesambild. Frankfurt ist der Gateway zu ...
U.S. marketers have avoided errors that still cost European Retail and ecommerce tons of money, time and the trust of their customers, says David Raab, Marketing Strategist and Founder of the CDP Inst ...
Pulitzer Prize winning author Alice Walker once said “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don´t have any.”
The lack of staff or “lights out” nature of many local IT and mobile edge computing (MEC) sites makes operations & maintenance of the supporting IT infrastructure a challenge. The answer lies, in larg ...
Philipp Sandner, Head of the Blockchain Center at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management on how Corona could impact the Blockchain subsystems.
Während der Stromverbrauch allgemein aktuell sinkt, steigt jener der Rechenzentren. Werden die RZ in Deutschland jemals klimaneutral sein?
Why the time of crisis is an opportunity for you to become Agile and what you need to start your journey now.
Many companies were badly prepared to most of their employees now working remotely. But how real are the risks – and are cyber criminals taking advantage? The answer is yes.
Even though data centres were prepared - COVID19 will leave its impact in the industry. A talk with Thomas Wawra, CEO of the DCE Academy about crisis management, skills shortage and the future.
Wie DE-CIX den rekordhohen Datendurchsatz meistert, wie Mitarbeiter den Alltag erleben und wie Patch-Roboter entscheidend dazu beitragen.
Dank der EN 50600 Norn waren viele RZ-Betreiber auf Auswirkungen Pandemie vorbereitet. Wie meistert die Branche die Situation und welche Veränderungen kommen auf die Branche zu?
Leuchten enthüllen Optimierungspotenziale: Effizienz maximieren mithilfe von Heatmaps
Beim Thema Smart Factory gelingt nach wie vor nur wenigen Unternehmen der Sprung von Einzelprojekten hin zur unternehmensübergreifenden Umsetzung. Auch bei den smarten Geschäftsmodellen bleiben die di ...
Bevor Bruno Kramm Mitglied der Piratenpartei wurde, hat er zusammen mit seinem Vater über die Einflüsse der Spieltheorie auf KI-Forschung gebrütet und Science-Fiction-Bücher verschlungen. Ein Intervie ...
Bernd Preuschoff, Schwan Cosmetics CIO about Digital Strategies and pain points that are often overlooked by the so-called "digital leaders."
BARC-Gründer Carsten Bange im Gespräch mit Richard Allbert über digitale Strategien, den Daten-Goldrausch und die häufigsten Fehler, die Unternehmen auf dem Weg dahin begehen können.
Philipp Ostermeier, Head of Strategy in Europe, KPMG in a Disruptive LIVE Interview
Award-winning CIO Angela Maragopoulou shares her opinion about the true potential of IoT business applications.